Dr. Matthew Houdek.
Dr. Matthew Houdek (he/him) is a critical/cultural communication studies writer, educator, and theorist.His research interests emerge from the generative frictions between various fields and traditions, including rhetorical studies, Black studies, critical respiratory studies, abolitionist thought, Black feminist thought, decolonial theory, social change scholarship, cultural studies, composition theory, and temporality studies. This transdisciplinary approach reflects his belief that the complex social and ontological crises that face our planetary community demand breaking down disciplinary boundaries, embracing subaltern knowledges, and fostering creative, risky, and transformative scholarship. Houdek has published in Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (CC/CS), Quarterly Journal of Speech (QJS), Rhetoric Society Quarterly (RSQ), Women’s Studies in Communication, the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture, Rhetoric & Public Affairs, and in edited books/collections. His working book project takes an experimental approach to exploring questions and themes regarding the End of the World - and what comes next - as he speculatively weaves across world-making/breaking movements and abolitionist projects that are unfolding in the undercommons and the epistemic south over space and time. He currently sits on the Editorial Boards for QJS, CC/CS, and RSQ, he joins the RSA Board of Directors in fall 2024, and he is a Senior Lecturer and the First Year Writing Coordinator in the University Writing Program at Rochester Institute of Technology.